Now your searching for online FM radio in India ends here. Here you can listen online bollywood hindi songs from FM radio stations.
To listen, 93.5 Red FM online you need not to install anything to listen live stream of 93.5 Red FM. This is the Live streaming of Bollywood Radio Mumbai. This is a clear voice streaming. Just wait for some time, music will start playing after some buffering. 93.5 Red FM is present in india in following cities Nagpur, Bhopal, Mangalore, Vijayawada, Jalandhar, Marmagao, Visakhapatnam, Varanasi, Rajkot, Nasik, Coimbatore, Kanpur, Raipur, Madurai, Kolhapur, Vadodara, Indore, Patna, Pune, Chennai, Aurangabad, Lucknow, Surat, Delhi, Bangalore, Kolkata.
Tips: You cannot listen Radio Mirchi, 93.5 Red FM Online because they are not allowing streaming FM radio on internet. But here you will listen songs and music from FM radio station and digital radio station.
Before Start Listening Radio Please Note:
1. Radio Name: Red FM
2. Language of broadcast: Hindi
3. You will listen: Latest & Old Forever Hit Bollywood Songs 24 Hours…
4. Stream at: 128 Kbps (Dial-Up & Broadband)
5. Use Internet Explorer 6 & 6+ to listen radio properly.
6. Mozilla Firefox users have download & install Windows Media Player Firefox Plug-in to listen radio properly.
7. Your internet connection should be fast as well as RAM should be of higher MB for good streaming of songs and music’s.
8. When player loads on your browser Please Press Play button there, Wait for one or two minutes for buffering of songs or musics and then listen non-stop online FM radio.
You can listen, Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM and Trance Radio via clicking the link. I will add more stations as and when I find it. Till then enjoy these radio stations.
Hiiiiiiiiiiii i m ashi,it’s realy nice., aap bohot bohot acche songs bajaate ho,,,,,,,,,,,,bajate rahooooooooooooo|
i love redio……………..
it’s very hot
I would like to participate in radio activity for promote my business pls do the needful.
sathiraju V
can u plz provide me the streaming address of red fm 93.5 as frm ths link red fm is not working. plz mail me at
please launch your channel in Bhavnagar {gujrat}
I love you guys u make this site realy i very enjoyed . i am sure urs feature success garrante …. love you all
happy diwali to all
its an execelnt way of listening music the red fm is a music box of all kinds of interestng music
thanx red fm
its an super collection of music online its rocking i enjoyed it very much and love it.
Thank you guys.
All radio channels sucks in bangalore except radio one but you guys have provided excellent service that can be accessed from anywhere.
Sound quality is also good.
plz launch a channel in diu.
it is a tourist place..
My wife ‘Nutan’ will turn 50 on 7th Dec. It will be nice if your team can greet her by visiting us and also by playing TUM JIYO HAZARO SAAL, SAAL KE DIN HO PACHAS HAZAR.
Hi.. Its gr8.. nice.. wonderfull… its not suite for your work its amazing.. but my friend .. it possible to listen songs with RJ Comments ? plz do if possible.. thnx