You have probably seen many “404 not found” pages when surfing the web. A “404 not found” page is the page that comes up when someone tries to access a web page that does not exist.
This usually happens when someone types a wrong URL or follows a link to a page that does not exist.
Tips: A typical 404 error page looks like this:
The exact wording of this error may vary, but it is normally unintuitive and unfriendly. It is unlikely that the person explores your site further. People who come to a “404 not found” web page are usually lost visitors. These visitors do not see your web site information and they cannot buy your products.
Most web hosts allow you to create a custom “404 not found” page. If you have not done it yet, you should create a custom 404 error page now. A custom 404 error page is an easy way to keep visitors on your web site. It also allows you to redirect your visitors to the pages of your choice.
For example, you could use the following HTML code for your own 404 error page: This HTML code simply redirects people to the index page of your web site so that they can find what they’re looking for (replace “www.YourWebSiteName.com with the URL of your own web site). You could also create a custom 404 page that tells your visitors that the page is not available anymore. It also makes sense to give your visitors some choices.
People often mistype URLs and some web sites have links to non-existent pages. This can happen when redesigning a web site or just through typographical errors. With a custom 404 error page, you make it easier for end users to find where they want to go on your web site.
Most web Host providers allow custom 404 error pages. Ask your web Host provider how you can create a 404 error page for your web site. If your web host does not allow this, you might find a new good host Here.